
E-on Vue 9.5 xStream 9.50-04 9505072 x86+x64 三维自然景观设计软件

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E-on Vue 9.5 xStream 9.50-04 9505072 x86+x64E-on Vue 在建模、动画、渲染等3D自然环境设计中最高级的解决方案.目前国际界内很多大型电影公司,游戏公司或与景观设计相关的行业都用此软件进行3D自然景观开发.

Vue 9产品线将主要由三部分组成:
面向CG专业人员的Vue 9:Vue Infinite和Vue 9 xStream
面向3D艺术家的Vue 9:Vue 9 Esprit、Vue 9 Studio和Vue 9 Complete
面向爱好者的Vue 9:Vue 9 Pioneer、主题包和Vue 9 Frontier
由Cornucopia3D发布,e-on软件提供强大支持。这些产品的突出特点就是非常适合在家庭使用,在创建数字自然风景时,内容丰富且易于使用。对于Vue 9 Frontier而言,尤其适合那些使用Poser和Daz Studio的用户。

VUE9 新功能:
1:减少闪烁算法:Vue 9从新开发的算法,加强对动画的渲染。新算法渲染动画时的闪烁量,现在明显减少。
3:新的视图照明: 场景照明能立即实时反映,例如,灯光开关,颜色变化,所有都是实时的!
4:交互式网络渲染:以先进的数据碎片和场景的渲染节点分配到缓存,Vue 9允许完全互动的网络渲染。场景渲染到屏幕,而网络是在后台自动处理。
6:生态系统 :大幅度减少闪烁,优化的渲染和内存管理动态的生态系统,生态系统的种群动态,还有更多…
7:HDR多通道渲染:HyperBlob技术:转换HyperTextured MetaBlobs到多边形的时用户可以定义面数。
9:自动保存和场景快照:当工作时, 这独特和创新技术在背景中自动保存场景,同时尽力不干涉用户的工作流程!


E-on Vue 9 xStream – professional program for landscape modeling, animation and rendering natural three-dimensional media, has integration modules with software 3ds Max, Cinema 4D, LightWave, Maya and Softimage. Vue 9 xStream is designed for CG professionals can create and edit any scene, and provides many unique opportunities to create a landscape. Any scene can be downloaded directly to your favorite program, including your entire ecosystem, all types of atmospheres, cameras, lighting, plants, landscapes, etc. Because some items are special (eg, ecosystem), xStream uses OpenGL technology to display them more clearly and quickly. You can choose to enable this option or change the screen resolution to speed up loading of large scenes. Autonomous scene created in xStream, stored in a format vue combined scenes are saved in native format 3D-applications, or may be divided into the format 3D applications and vue format. In the latter case the native scene in 3D-applications will refer to the vue scene.

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