
Ulysses III 1.0.2 Mac Os X 文本编辑器

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Ulysses III是一款独特的文本编辑器,它的意图是给赋有创新精神的作家,小说家和作家最佳的写作经验。

软件的特色在于既有相似 Evernote 的三栏式管理布局,并支持文件夹分类,也有 Byword 的单栏纯写作布局,全屏后黑底白字的感受十分适合码字。

iCloud 同步和对 Mackdown 的支持是有必要有的功能,输出格局也十分丰富,包括 TXT / RTF / PDF。


Ulysses III 1.0.2 | Mac Os X | 7 MB
Ulysses III is a brand-new writers’ environment built around a revolutionary text engine. It combines the very best concepts of minimal markup with the power, beauty and simplicity of OS X.

It’s built around a revolutionary engine, dubbed “plain text enhanced”, which combines the very best parts of minimal markup (i.e. Markdown, Textile) with the power, beauty and simplicity of OS X.

As a single-library app, Ulysses holds all your texts in just one window. No “Open”, no “Save”, no Finder safari. Full iCloud integration lets you access *everything* from all your Macs.

If you own Daedalus Touch (available on the App Store as a universal app for iPad and iPhone), Ulysses III can even sync your writings across all your devices. Start on the bus, continue at home, finish mid-flight. Export to RTF, PDF, TXT or HTML.

Ulysses III is flexible, adaptive, and built to grow. Use it as a sophisticated notepad, create your next couple of novels, or continuously feed your blog. Keep everything neatly organized, or mess around at will.


Beefed-up, minimalistic three-pane interface
– Sources › Groups & Filters › Sheets › Editor 
– Select across sources
– Select multiple groups & filters
– Edit multiple sheets as one
– Export and statistics from every part of the library
– Full keyboard navigation
– Simply beautiful

Most advanced text editor on the planet
– “Plain Text Enhanced”
– Links, Lists, Quotes & Footnotes
– Comments, Code, Keywords & Annotations
– Drag’n’drop of images and videos
– Preview of images and videos
– Text structure navigation
– Bookmarks & Favorites
– Multiple text statistics
– Functional markup cheat sheet
– Dark, light, pure and paged writing modes
– Several hand-picked color schemes
– Export to PDF, Word, RTF, TXT, Markdown and HTML
– Copy as PDF, HTML, RTF and Plain Text
– Paste from HTML, Markdown and RTF
– Inspiring typography

OS Integration
– Full iCloud Sync
– Versions
– Full Screen
– Spelling and Grammar
– Text Substitutions
– Dictionary
– Speech
– Spotlight Search
– Enhanced for Retina
– A true fit

External Sources
– Import and edit text files from anywhere on disk
– Share files via Dropbox
– Preview in Marked.app

Inside jokes
– Support for umlauts (ä, ü, ö)
– Apostrophes and dashes
– Auto-Capitalization when holding the Shift key
– Line breaks and spaces
– Left-to-right writing direction
– Simple launch via double-click

Requirements: OS X 10.7.3 or later, 64-bit processor


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