
Wave Arts Dialog v1.20

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Wave Arts Dialog v1.10

Wave Arts 发布专门针对语音的新插件 Dialog。Dialog 是一个完善的通道条,可以处理典型的语音问题,比如咝音和噪音等。

Dialog 包含有砖墙滤波、去嗡声和去吱声处理器、抑破响、宽屏噪音抑制、去咝音、10 段均衡、压缩和限制功能。独立的可用于各个部分的预置,能够让你快速得到想要的结果。

砖墙滤波具有可变衰减坡度能够用于截止低频或高频范围。去嗡声处理器使用 V 形滤波可消除 50Hz 或 60Hz 嗡嗡声的 10 个谐波。去吱声处理器可以抑制讨厌的线路频率吱吱声。降噪处理器采用了一流的声音 MR Noise 算法,带有一个简单的界面。抑破响和去咝声都有定制的处理器;使用抑破响处理器可以压制爆破音破响声,然后去咝声处理器可以调节处理量。均衡器部分是一个强大而易于使用的 TrackPlug 均衡器,这是一个 10 段均衡器,带有 11 种不同的滤波类型以及各种各样的预置参数。压缩器是一个 TrackPlug 经典压缩器,带有适合于语音的压缩处理预置。

用语言很难去形容它是如何好的插件,即使罗列一大堆吸引人的功能表也无法明确的表达出 Dialog 的真实效果。当然可以肯定的是,它是一款用于旁白、广播或播客工作者的有力工具。

 Wave Arts Dialog v1.20 | 11.1 MB

Dialog combines in one plug-in all the processing needed to clean up, adjust, and sweeten recordings of the spoken voice. It is perfect for voice-over, film/tv recordings on location or sound stage, and broadcast. Dialog includes brickwall filters, de-hum and de-buzz processing, broadband noise reduction, de-ploding, de-essing, 10-band equalization, compression, and limiting. Separate presets for each section allow you to get results fast.

The brickwall filters have variable rolloff slopes and can be used to cutoff low or high frequency ranges. The de-hum processor uses notch filters to eliminate 10 harmonics of either 50 Hz or 60 Hz hum. The de-buzz processor squelches nasty line frequency buzzes. The de-noise processor is the stellar sounding MR Noise algorithm with a simplified interface. De-plode and de-ess are custom processors; use de-plode to tame plosive sounds and use de-ess to adjust the amount of sibiliants. The EQ section is the powerful and easy to use TrackPlug equalizer, with 10 bands of equalization, 11 different filter types to choose from, and a variety of presets. The compressor is the TrackPlug Vintage compressor, with presets tailored to voice processing.

Tech Specs
• 10-band EQ section with 11 different filter types and 64-bit processing
• Low and high pass brickwall filters with various rolloff slopes
• Hum and buzz removal
• Broadband noise reduction
• De-plode function for plosive or wind rumble attenuation
• De-ess function for sibilant attenuation
• Compressor
• Peak limiter
• Comprehensive metering
• Master preset manager and preset manager per section
• Latency compensation
• Fully automatable
• Up to 192K support
• Mono or stereo

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