
Dogfight 1942 Limited Edition-PROPHET 空中缠斗1942限量版

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 由City Interactive公司制作和发行的动作游戏《Dogfight 1942》将登陆Wii、PS3、Xbox 360和PC平台。在本作中,玩家可以驾驶二战历史上的各种著名战机(如美军P-38“闪电”和英军“喷火式”战斗机,以及纳粹德国的梅塞施米特109战机),亲身体验二战期间的多场重大战役,包括激烈的不列颠战役、非洲战役、东部战线和太平洋战役。

英文名称:Dogfight 1942
游戏制作:City Interactive
游戏发行:City Interactive

 The flight simulating action game “Dogfight 1942″ has been released by group PROPHET. It is a limited edition comprising of 2 unreleased DLCs called “Fire Over Africa” and “Russia Under Seige”. Enjoy!

Description: Players assume the role of one of four pilots taking on the Axis alliance during four different air campaigns, including the intense Battle of Britain, the war in Africa, the Eastern Front and the Pacific island-hopping campaign. With more than 20 types of aircraft from both sides of the conflict — from the fabled P-38 Lightning and Britain’s Spitfire to the feared Messerschmitt 109 and Japanese Kate — players take on the same missions as WWII pilots, ranging from bombing runs and dog fights to manning defensive positions such as a gunner on a bomber or anti-aircraft site.


– Pilot the greatest aircraft ever made.
– Triple A: Aerial Arcade Authenticity: Explosive arcade action alongside advanced physics and painstaking recreation of actual events and aircraft to create an experience that’s easily accessible but hard to master. All aircraft are based on authentic designs.
– Free Flight mode that enables players to choose a plane and roam over faithfully created environments.
– 20 different planes, fighting on all fronts of the war.

Publisher: CI Games
Developer: CI Games
Genre: Action, Flight

Release Name: Dogfight.1942.Limited.Edition-PROPHET
Size: 1.25 GB
Links: Homepage

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