
PDFDesk Easy PDF Creator 3.0 PDF转换软件

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容易的PDF 创作者提供创造优质PDF 文件一个容易和较不昂贵的方式在几乎任一种窗口应用外面。软件象打印安装好象这一台真正的打印机, 做创作PDF 归档一样容易。共同的文件可能被转换成PDF 文件以难以置信地快速的速度当保留原文件的品质并且给用户灵活性在PDF 创作的许多选择。超过500 个应用和文件格式当地地支持。PDF 这样特点格式化作为纸张大小的软件支持, 决议、取向、兼容性、字体埋置, 活超链接、嵌入图象、惯例、桌、图、40 位和128 位编成密码、密码保护、文件用法控制、文件metadata 、自动产品和批转换。与容易的PDF 创作者插入, 现有的PDF 文件可能容易地被转换成HTML, RTF, TXT 格式以信息极小的损失当保存原文件的布局和图表。所有有用的插入包括在软件包, 并且新的将被出版在网站为下载免费。作为专业PDF 创作软件, 容易的PDF 创作者给企业手段有效地提供现有的商业文件对伙伴、顾客和雇员。


PDFDesk Easy PDF Creator 3.0 | 1.7 Mb

Easy PDF Creator offers an easy and less expensive way of creating high-quality PDF documents out of almost any windows application. The software installs as if it were a real printer, making the creation of PDF files as easy as printing. Common documents can be converted to PDF files at an incredibly fast speed while retaining the look and feel of the original documents as well as many options that give users flexibility in PDF creation. More than 500 applications and file formats are natively supported.

The software supports such features of the PDF format as paper size, resolution, orientation, compatibility, fonts embedding, live hyperlink, embedded images, formulas, tables, figures, 40-bit and 128-bit encryption, password protection, document usage control, document metadata, automatic output and batch conversion.

With Easy PDF Creator Plug-ins, existing PDF documents can be easily converted into HTML, RTF, TXT format with a minimum loss of information while preserving the layout and graphics of the original documents. All useful plug-ins are included in the software package, and new ones will be published on the website for download free of charge.

As professional PDF creation software, Easy PDF Creator gives businesses the means to effectively deliver existing business documents to partners, customers and employees.

– Create PDF documents from any Windows application that supports printing
– Microsoft .NET platform and Microsoft Office 2012 compatibility
– Merge PDF documents
– Automatic output PDF file to specific path
– PDF content encryption with passwords (48-bit and 128-bit support)
– Usage control prevents PDF documents from being modified, copied, converted, printed, signed, converted, etc.
– Live hyperlink support
– Up to 2540×2540 dpi printing resolution
– Custom paper size support
– PDF document information, including title, subject, keyword, and author
– PDF compatibility option for Adobe PDF format
– PDF font embedding options
– PDF printing scaling
– Convert PDF files into HTML, RTF and TXT format.
– Automatic installation and configuration on Windows x86 and Windows x64
– Printer sharing 
– Native support for 500+ Windows applications
– Batch conversion (DOC to PDF, XLS to PDF, PPT to PDF, TXT to PDF, RTF to PDF)
– Plug-ins support for conversion of AutoCAD drawings (DWG to PDF, DXF to PDF) 
– Live update for new versions and plug-ins
– Free upgrades in the future for registered users

Home Page – http://www.pdfdesk.com/

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