
Delcam FeatureCam 2013 R2 SP3 v19.7.0.2 x32/x64 全功能智能CAM系统

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Delcam FeatureCAM是基于特征、基于知识、使用自动特征识别技术AFR和交互式特征识别技术IFR的全功能智能CAM系统。独特的基于特征、基于知识的加工功能组合使得用户可以在很短时间,接受少量培训的情况下,自由创建稳定、可靠的刀具路径。强大的自动特征识别功能,加速了从设计到加工的全过程,使用它使零件加工编程更方便,更简单,可极大地缩短加工编程时间,加工管理也更加有效。






基于特征的智能CAM系统 Delcam FeatureCAM 可帮助您:


●  减小编程难度

●  提高编程效率

●  降低编程成本


FeatureCAM 产品系列提供了全方位的 CAM 解决办法,支持2~5 轴加工中心、车铣复合加工、车削加工及线切割编程,产品系列包括:2.5轴铣削模块-FeatureMILL2.5D、3轴铣削模块-FeatureMILL3D、车削加工模块-FeatureTURN、车铣复合加工模块-FeatureTURN/MILL、线切割模块-FeatureWIRE、特征识别模块-FeatureRECOGNITION, 实体造型模块- Solid Modeling, 多零件加工模块- Tombstone Machining, 5 轴加工模块- 5-Axis Machining。


Delcam FeatureCAM 特点:


● 全中文界面,易学易用

● 集成加工工艺知识库

● 领先的自动“特征”识别(AFR)技术

● 强大的交互式“特征”识别(IFR)技术

● 全面支持主流 CAD 模型输入

● 机床运动三维仿真





FeatureCAM 首创自动特征识别功能(AFR)与交互式特征识别功能IFR,极大简化了编程设置环节,仅需输入或绘制模型,FeatureCAM 自动辨识模型特征如孔、凹槽或凸台等,甚至直接识别 Solidworks 螺纹等非形状讯息,根据特征自动选择刀具、加工方式、转速及刀距等条件后,即可自动产生刀具路径及NC代码。也可以依照自己的经验设置知识库中的加工方式与切削参数等条件。


自动特征识别AFR技术——让 FeatureCAM 与众不同


采用特征识别技术是简化编程操作、缩短编程时间最有效的方式。每个CAD模型都包含完整的产品信息,完全没有必要在加工编程时浪费时间去选择每一个加工对象。输入CAD数据后,FeatureCAM 软件将快速识别零件特征,您可以选择手动交互式识别(IFR)或者自动特征识别(AFR)。通过AFR技术,可以识别所有2D特征,即使是那些重叠或者交叉的特征。


识别的特征和输入的数据完全相关,因此设计的变更不会给FeatureCAM 带来任何麻烦。如果CAD数据发生变更,FeatureCAM 将自动和初始数据模型进行比对,并提示您所有特征是否发生变化——被增加、被修改、被删除亦或没有改变。一切尽在掌握!


特征识别完成之后,FeatureCAM 基于知识的编程方式将自动选择刀具,选择进给/转速等工艺参数,生成刀具路径。




FeatureCAM 独特的基于特征、基于知识的加工功能组合使得用户可以在很短的时间内接受少量培训的情况下,轻松编制稳定、可靠的刀具路径。FeatureCAM 独创的AFR技术,完全基于特征编程,扬弃了传统的编程技术。用户在FeatureCAM里创建NC程序是如此简单、可靠。强大的自动特征识别功能,缩短了从设计到加工的全过程,使零件加工编程更方便简捷,极大缩短加工编程时间。规范的刀具路径编程,也有效地提高了加工生产管理。


FeatureCAM 易学易用但不失功能强大,自动编程的同时也赋予用户强大的操作灵活性。


Delcam FeatureCAM 自动进行:

● 刀具选择 
● 计算进给及主轴转速,包括切削步距及切深 
● 决定粗、精加工工序 
● 产生刀具路径及NC代码 
● 按照您更喜欢的策略修改系统的自动工艺参数以达到最佳






无论您面临什么样的CAD格式数据,无论是2D或者3D 的IGES数据,还是直接接受AutuCAD的DWG或DXF文件格式,亦或直接读取CATIA,Unigraphics,Pro/Engineer,SolidWorks和Solid Edge的数据,FeatureCAM都能够从容应对。


Delcam FeatureCAM 给您提供更多的额外功能,包括:


– 可扩展的后置处理数据库,能够更方便地生成用户所需的后置处理程序 
– 进给速率优化 
– 使用API进行用户化的二次开发 
– 加工工艺清单的制作 
– 内置的三维加工仿真


Delcam FeatureCam 2013 R2 SP1 Build (x64/x86) | 1.6 Gb
Delcam launches the 2013 release of FeatureCAM feature-based CAM software. This will offer a new series of options for three-axis milling and enhancements in five-axis machining, plus improvements in the turning and mill-turn modules.

Full details Delcam FeatureCam 2013 R2 SP1 Build (x64/x86) and get links download please reading below. 

FeatureCAM was the worlds first feature-based programming software when it was launched in 1995. Constant development since then has ensured that the system has retained its leadership in programming speed and ease of use, while an increased range of strategies has been added to provide more efficient toolpaths giving greater productivity on a wider range of machines.

What“s fixed in Delcam FeatureCam 2013 R2 SP1 Build
A-030721 B FIXED 2-axis milling: Chamfer: Reflecting a chamfer feature reverses side control.
A-032943 B FIXED FC VERICUT: FeatureCAM dll used by VERICUT addin is out of date; as a result, the addin doesn“t work.
A-032902 B FIXED FC User interface: 2D milling: The helical ramping checkbox and related attributes are being set on the operation instead of the feature.
A-032894 B FIXED D,FC User interface: 2-axis milling: Minimum ramp distance attribute is different from what the pop-up help suggests.
A-032842 B FIXED Install: the uninstaller name for FC 2013 is set as FeatureCAM2012.
A-032575 B FIXED FC User Interface: Paste Special is unable to paste to object of pattern
A-031858 F FIXED Desire a program which would help developers to create monthly reports.
A-032674 B FIXED FC Turn/Mill: Import Wizard : Unable to create revolve boundary if we import the part in existing project
A-032761 B FIXED D User interface: Warning message go behind SolidWorks making SW window to freeze.
A-032470 B FIXED FC Turn/Mill: 5-axis simultaneous: Rapid move between operations is output as XYZC move and needs to be C then XYZ for RTCP intsupport#56935
A-032727 B FIXED D GPF: unable to open assembly file causes solidworks to crash.
A-032484 B FIXED FC Probing: User Interface: In the metric document probing features are represented with too small sign of probe touching.
A-032805 B FIXED FC dongle: in IDD_INTERFACES_NET_JPN the vericut checkbox is set to not be visible
A-030655 B FIXED 2-axis milling: Tools: FC uses F/S from last applied tool to all tools of the feature.
A-032744 B FIXED FC Translation: Russian: Tool specific feeds and speeds update for a tool automatically updates F/S for all tools.
A-032506 B FIXED FC Import: Round stock center selection; Center of cylindrical stock shifted from selected surface.
A-032595 F FIXED FC API: FMPartLibraryModel modification and macro to build bit machining demo part
A-032735 B FIXED D,FC 2 axis milling; when partline programming is selected in a side feature, it is causing output of going round and round the part
A-032756 B FIXED FC Turn/Mill: Face: 3D simulation away from face; centerline simulation OK
A-032757 B FIXED FC TPEDIT: Arcs converted to full loops while hitting “Apply and Next” repeatedly in edit toolpath segment tab.
A-032769 B FIXED D User interface: 3-axis milling: The dialog box for 3d milling strategy attributes needs to be adjusted, some controls are being clipped due to the font change to SegoeUI
A-032739 B FIXED FC Turn:GPF: Canned Cycles with Reuse path in canned cycle and undersize stock causes FeatureCAM to crash
A-032768 B FIXED FC UI: Need more dialog space for translation.
A-032661 B FIXED D,FC Wire EDM: part compare is not available unless 3d milling is also on the seat. (DFS too)
A-032732 B FIXED FC API: Optional parameter doesn“t work in function DrawToolToBMPFile.
A-032741 B FIXED Testing: Need ability to use .stl files as output files.
A-032644 B FIXED FC TPEDIT: Turn: overridden data of maximum speed and approach speed for turn features is not propagated to a toolpath feature
A-032622 F FIXED D user interface: plunge attrs: add pop-up help images
A-032641 F FIXED D,FC 5-axis simultaneous: better tool holder geometry passed to dmk
A-032723 F FIXED FC API: Need ability to export a 3D tool holder to .stl file.
A-029776 F FIXED D,FC User interface: lists of attributes should have images and help text.
A-032452 F FIXED FC user interface: Create tooltips for the attributes moved to the new “Plunge tab“.
A-032221 B FIXED Turn/Mill: Xbuild: Changes to post processor are not saved on exit.
A-032140 B FIXED FC GPF: fc crashes while reflecting the pattern.
A-032652 B FIXED FC User interface: feed speed: IPT feed changes each time if we reselect it with override option checked.
A-032692 B FIXED FC User Interface: Bottom Finish Allowance label is in Inches even though session units are Metric
A-032298 B FIXED FC 2-axis drilling: Computed drilling cycle omits move to plunge clearance.
A-032519 B FIXED Part Library: Renaming a feature after it has been added to the part library does not rename the tool and feed/speed overrides. So pasting the attributes only to a target feature does not apply the overrides.
A-032628 F FIXED D xpress: make it be a separate build target.
A-032651 B FIXED FC Tool Selection: Tool override doesnt select desired tool when “Optimize Spot drill” tool selection is on.
A-032680 B FIXED Centerline sim: Single step (at slow speed) shows whole z-level
A-032689 B FIXED User Interface: Can“t interupt 3d surface milling without freezing the graphics screen for a while.
A-032708 B FIXED D,FC Turn: groove: It is necessary to remove Side liftoff angle attribute from turning tab of the Simple groove feature properties
A-032705 B FIXED FC User interface: Please reorder modules in Evaluation options and About FeatureCAM dialogs.
A-032254 B FIXED Xbuild: New reserved word has not been implemented.
A-032699 B FIXED D 3-Axis Milling: Angle start and end for 3D radial finish is in inches not degrees!
A-032533 B FIXED dongle: eval options: 5-axis simultaneous does not appear to depend upon 5-axis positioning
A-032696 B FIXED D,FC 3dmx: 5-axis simultaneous should be available for 3dmx.
A-032642 B FIXED TPEDIT: Can“t turn cutter comp off on toolpath edit feature created from turning feature.
A-031473 B FIXED FC Turn/Mill: Pattern Dialog Boxes are inconsistent
A-031880 B FIXED FC User interface: TPEDIT: right click menu says “Split move”, whereas the toolbar says “Split segment”.
A-032217 F FIXED Turn/Mill: indexing position is outside machine travel limits with long tool
A-032608 B FIXED D,FC Turn: Transfer: Cutoff operation can be ordered before pre & post cutoff transfer operations when using template automatic ordering options
A-032526 B FIXED FC api: bulk edit macro: modify strategy of a drill/mill hole confuses fc
A-032508 B FIXED FC MTT: Collision with “Cutoff“ feature parameters for transferring to the sub spindle.
A-032633 B FIXED FC Tool database: GPF: Thread mill tool selection from exported powermill tool database crashes FeatureCAM

About Delcam plc

Delcam is a world-leading developer and supplier of advanced CADCAM software, with more than 35,000 customers in over 80 countries. These clients vary from global names like Nike, Boeing and Mattel to small start-ups and individual craftsmen. Founded 30 years ago, we are the largest developer of product development software in the UK, with subsidiaries in Europe, America and Asia. Our global success has been recognised with many awards, including three Queens Awards for Enterprise in the last six years.


Delcam FeatureCam 2013 R2 SP3 v19.7.0.2 x32/x64

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