
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 5.0.0 迈克菲可扩展安全管理软件

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McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO)

迈克菲 ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) 被公认为业界最先进的可扩展的安全管理软件。McAfee ePO 通过一个开放式平台来统一安全管理,简化了所有规模组织的风险与合规性管理并提高了成功率。McAfee ePO 是迈克菲安全管理平台的基础,使客户能够将业内领先的安全解决方案连接到其企业基础设施以提高可见性、提高工作效率并增强保护。

客户使用 ePO 的灵活自动处理功能可以简化工作流,从而大大降低安全和合规性管理的成本和复杂程度。

安全提供商和系统集成商可以通过将其企业和最佳做法与 ePO 平台合并来扩展其产品的范围,从而提供不同的解决方案。

只有 McAfee ePO 能够提供:

端到端监控 — 从整体上监控安全状态。可深入分析的拖放式信息显示板提供跨终端、数据、手机和网络的安全智能,以便您可以及时洞察并快速响应。

简化的安全操作 – 简化工作流,而且经过证明可提高效率。独立研究表明:ePO 软件可帮助各种规模的企业简化管理任务,减轻繁杂的审计,以及减少与安全管理相关的硬件成本。

可扩展的开放式体系结构 – 利用现有的 IT 基础设施。迈克菲 ePO 软件将迈克菲和第三方安全解决方案的管理功能连接到您的 LDAP、IT 运营和配置管理工具。


McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 5.0.0McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 5.0.0
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 5.0.0 | 487.4 Mb
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) is widely acknowledged as the most advanced and scalable security management software in the industry. Unifying security management through an open platform, McAfee ePO makes risk and compliance management simpler and more successful for organizations of all sizes. As the foundation of McAfee Security Management Platform, McAfee ePO enables customers to connect industry-leading security solutions to their enterprise infrastructure to increase visibility, gain efficiencies, and strengthen protection.

Customers use ePO’s flexible automation capabilities to streamline workflows, dramatically reducing the cost and complexity of security and compliance administration.

Security providers and system integrators can extend the reach of their offerings by incorporating their expertise and best practices with the ePO platform to deliver differentiated solutions.

Only McAfee ePO offers:

End-to-end visibility — Get a unified view of your security posture. Drillable, drag-and-drop dashboards provide security intelligence across endpoints, data, mobile, and networks for immediate insight and faster response times.

Simplified security operations — Streamline workflows for proven efficiencies. Independent studies show ePO software helps organizations of every size streamline administrative tasks, ease audit fatigue, and reduce security management-related hardware costs.

An open, extensible architecture — Leverage your existing IT infrastructure. McAfee ePO software connects management of both McAfee and third-party security solutions to your LDAP, IT operations, and configuration management tools.

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