
Bentley MicroStation PowerDraft V8i (SELECTSeries 3) 制图和设计软件

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Bentley MicroStation PowerDraft V8i (SELECTSeries 3)

MicroStation PowerDraft 是一个专业级应用程序,用于二维/三维制图和详细设计。PowerDraft 为以 DGN 或 DWG 格式创建、编辑和处理工程图及模型提供了一个直观界面,并可与所有 Bentley 解决方案完全集成。

PowerDraft 和 MicroStation 基于相同的代码库,因此具有许多相同的特性和功能,包括 MicroStation 的全套参照、尺寸标注、文本和绘图工具。

PowerDraft 可最大限度地提升您的制图能力:

数据互用性 – 对 DGN 和 DWG 文件的原生支持使您能够专注于创建和使用设计数据,而不光只是专注于可交付的文件格式、数据交换和文件转换。

变更管理 – 使用 PowerDraft 强大的设计历史记录功能可跟踪每个 DGN 文件发生的变化。与数字版权和数字签名相结合,您可以监控进度并增强项目的安全性和责任关系。

工作流支持 – PowerDraft 与您的组织流程无缝集成,是对现有 MicroStation 工作流的完美补充。

可扩展性 – 灵活的编程支持使 PowerDraft 能够贴合您的业务需求。



Bentley MicroStation PowerDraft V8i (SELECTSeries 3) | 667.2 mb
MicroStation PowerDraft is the premier application for the production of all types of project documentation for engineers, architects, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owners who need to document, detail, and map infrastructure projects.

MicroStation PowerDraft is a professional-level application used for production 2D/3D drafting and detailing. PowerDraft provides an intuitive interface for creating, editing, and manipulating drawings and models in DGN or DWG format and is completely integrated with all Bentley solutions.

Because PowerDraft and MicroStation are based on the same code base, they share many of the same features and functions, including MicroStation’s full suite of referencing, dimensioning, text, and drawing tools.

PowerDraft maximizes your production drafting functionality:

= Data Interoperability – Native support for DGN and DWG files allows you to focus on creating and using your design data rather than on deliverable file formats, data exchange, and file translations.
– Change Management – Track the evolution of each DGN file using PowerDraft’s robust design history capability. Combined with digital rights and digital signatures, you can monitor progress and add security and accountability to your projects.
– Workflow Support – PowerDraft integrates seamlessly with your organizational processes and is the perfect complement to existing MicroStation workflows.
– Extensibility – Flexible programming support makes PowerDraft highly adaptable to your business needs and requirements.

About Bentley Systems, Incorporated

Bentley is the global leader dedicated to providing architects, engineers, geospatial professionals, constructors, and owner-operators with comprehensive software solutions for sustaining infrastructure. Bentley Systems applies information mobility to improve asset performance by leveraging information modeling through integrated projects for intelligent infrastructure. Its solutions encompass the MicroStation platform for infrastructure design and modeling, the ProjectWise platform for infrastructure project team collaboration and work sharing, and the AssetWise platform for infrastructure asset operations – all supporting a broad portfolio of interoperable applications and complemented by worldwide professional services. Founded in 1984, Bentley has more than 3,000 colleagues in 50 countries, more than $500 million in annual revenues, and since 2003 has invested more than $1 billion in research, development, and acquisitions.

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