
PreSonus Studio One Pro Multilingual x86/x64

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PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional v3.0.1.33975 (Win/Mac)

Studio One是PreSonus首次涉足音频工作站领域的第一个软件,可以运行在Windows和Mac OS X下,独立运行,可加载AU、VST 2、VST 3效果器和虚拟乐器插件,也可作为ReWire主控端软件使用。

Studio One是一个集MIDI和音频功能于一身的工作站,如果你使用PreSonus的硬件那么完全不必设置就可以直接用。音轨数量、插件数量都没有限制,即便在32位系统下它内部也会用64位符点来做运算保证声音质量。

Studio One赠送的插件包括:

* Ampire – 箱体模拟
* Analog Delay – 磁带延迟
* Auto Filter – 滤波
* Beat Delay – 延迟
* Binaural Pan – 立体声声像
* Channel Strip – 动态处理和EQ
* Chorus – 合唱
* Compressor – 压缩
* Expander – 扩展
* Flanger – 镶边
* Gate – 噪音门
* Groove Delay – 多头延迟
* Limiter – 限制
* Mixtool – 相位和录音制式工具
* MixVerb – 混响
* Multiband Dynamics – 多段压缩/扩展
* Phase Meter – 相位修正分析
* Phaser – 移相
* Pro EQ – 7段参量EQ
* Red Light Distortion – 失真
* Room Reverb – 房间混响
* Spectrum Meter – 频率分析
* Tricomp – 三段压缩
* Tuner – 调音器
* X-Trem – 颤音
* Impact – 采样触发器
* Presence – 采样回放器
* SampleOne – 采样器

Studio One主要特性:
K System电平表显示
支持ASIO、WDM、Core Audio,支持所有声卡
PreSonus 的 Studio One 已经升级到 1.5,除此以外还包含了3个新的扩展:

* Studio One 扩展(很多新的预置和效果链)。
* Studio One Piano(一个用于 Presence 的经过改进的钢琴)。
* Synth Session(150+ 用于 Presence 的合成器采样音色)。

PreSonus Studio One Pro (x86/x64) Multilingual | 123.5/130.2 Mb

The next standard is here! Introducing Studio One 3. New version 3 builds on the blazingly fast workflow, unparalleled sound quality, and rock-solid stability that made Studio One the fastest growing DAW of all time. It adds innovative songwriting and arranging tools, inspiring and unique sound-design capabilities, and a gorgeous new, high-dpi, multi-touch interface that is optimized to keep you engaged, even on extended sessions.

Arranger Track

It has never been easier to work “pattern-style” in a timeline-based sequencer/DAW.

Studio One Professional’s new Arranger Track provides rapid and intuitive song rearranging, even with large projects. Simply drag-and-drop song sections in the Arranger track or Track Inspector, and the entire arrangement updates instantly.

Scratch Pads

Studio One 3 Professional introduces Scratch Pads to the Song page, a powerful, yet simple new workflow innovation that will change the way you create music. Scratch Pads provide the perfect way to keep your work intact while you experiment on new ideas. Scratch Pads also are ideal for creating alternate versions of songs, ushc as radio edits and remixes, and for capturing new inspirations that you wish to save for later development.

Browser 3.0

Our drag-and-drop browser has helped define Studio One’s ease of use. In version 3.0, getting the loops, effects, instruments, and presets you need is even faster with tag-based musical search. Speaking of loops—Studio One Professional includes nearly 10,000 audio loops, music loops, and one-shots to get your projects started and reinforce your arrangements.

Extended FX Chains

Studio One 3 Professional introduces Extended FX Chains, a fast, powerful, and elegant way to add new dimensions to your sonic palette. With Extended FX Chains, you can route audio effects in serial, in parallel, by channel, or by frequency bands, all via drag-and-drop. Rediscover your plug-in collection as you transform any effect to multiband or to the most precise, narrow band. Combine different effects in new ways to explore uncharted territories.

Multi Instruments

Not long after creating Extended FX Chains, someone in the office asked the loaded question, “hey what would happen if we did this to instruments?” What would happen? Rich, addictive, multilayered sounds. That’s what happened.

Multi Instrument, as the name implies, lets you stack multiple synths and Instruments (as layers or key splits) on a single Instrument Track and record, edit, and play them like a single instrument. This opens a huge new range of possibilities for creative production and sound design.

Macro Controls

To facilitate editing the multidimensional sounds that are made possible by Studio One 3 Professional, each Console Channel and Multi Instrument has a Macro Panel with eight knobs and switches that can be assigned to the most critical instrument or effect parameters. These Macro Controls in turn can be assigned to your favorite MIDI controller for hands-on fun with your sounds.

and much more…

Computer System Requirements

Studio One is a modern, cross-platform DAW that is capable of operating as a 32-bit or 64-bit application. While we make every effort to ensure Studio One will run well on the widest variety of computers possible, please read these specifications carefully to determine compatibility with your system.

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