
The Swapper v1.24-WaLMaRT

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《交易者(The Swapper)》发生在一个遭遗弃的空间站,玩家将使用一种能够克隆使用者并且将意识在不同身体间转移的设备“Swapper”来完成各种看似不可能的任务。

  Facepalm公司创始人Olli Harjola解释说:“我们非常熟悉Tom的作品和博客,所以当我们开始物色一个剧情制作人的时候,他自然变成了我们的第一选择。幸好他目前有空闲,并且愿意随时开始工作。”“从那之后Tom一直与我们共同工作,制作剧情,编写对话,甚至帮我们写新闻通告!”

  这款游戏的另外一个制作人Jubert说:“非常高兴能够参与这么一个充满想象力的独立游戏。在《交易者(The Swapper)》中我们有机会能够探讨一些非常有意思的话题:如果我没有灵魂,我的身体只是一堆神经元吗,那又是什么东西让你拥有意识,而这一切又意味着什么呢?”

  Indie Fund和Capy Games的Nathan Vella评论说:“我们都非常喜欢Tom的作品,我们对Facepalm制作的《交易者(The Swapper)》非常有信心。看到他们集合到一起,并且有机会参与其中,对于我们Indie Fund的人来说非常的令人兴奋和高兴。”


 Description: Holder of numerous awards and accolades, the Swapper is an atmospheric puzzle platformer set in the furthest reaches of space. Players wield an experimental device able to clone the user and swap control between them. Dropped into a character and world as mysterious as the workings of the device itself, The Swapper is a game of exploration of a very personal nature.

All of the art in The Swapper is constructed using clay models and other everyday materials.


  • Challenge: Fiendish puzzles whose solutions are only ever a few steps away
  • Isolation: Classic sci-fi atmosphere
  • Wonder: A world built out of clay
  • Mystery: Narrative design from Tom Jubert, writer behind indie hits Penumbra and FTL

Publisher: Facepalm Games
Developer: Olli Harjola, Otto Hantula, Tom Jubert, Carlo Castellano
Genre: Action, Adventure, Indie

Release Name: The.Swapper.v1.24-WaLMaRT
Size: 684.3 MB
Links: HomepageNFO 

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