
Sound Yeti Dawn Ambition Expansion Pack KONTAKT-DECiBEL-FLARE

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Sound Yeti Dawn Ambition Expansion Pack KONTAKT-DECiBEL-FLARE screenshotTeam DECiBEL/FLARE | 3000 Releases | 26 Feb 2021 | 1.69GB

A collection of warm and emotive melodic presets made from dramatic sample sources. Dawn is an illuminating musical experience for Ambition. Dawn includes a blend of rising and strong hybrid scoring essentials. Dark pads, expressive textures, designed synths, experimental keys, lush modular rhythms and ambient cinematic sounds round out this hybrid expansion sound pack for Ambition. Listen to the Dawn and Dusk Showcase of Sounds Learn more about how Ambition Expansion Sound Packs were created.

60 sample sources
70 snapshots
610 high-quality chromatic samples
2.8 GB of samples
7 Evolving
11 Keys
22 Pads
14 Pulses & Motion
16 Playable Textures

Sound Yeti Ambition 1.1


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