
FileMaker Server Advanced Final

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FileMaker Server Advanced 12


通过 FileMaker Server,您可在本地网络或者互联网上安全地让 FileMaker Pro 用户群访问您的数据库(需另行装 FileMaker Pro)。对于 FileMaker Pro 用户群而言,FileMaker Server 是快捷的、可靠的、易于管理的服务器软件。

您可以在 iPad 和 iPhone 上使用 FileMaker Pro 连接到 FileMaker Server 共享数据库来快速访问最新的数据。您的整个团队都可以实时访问您移动办公时所做的任何数据改动。使用 FileMaker Go 时, 您可以通过本地的无线网络或使用 Wi-Fi/3G的互联网来连接 FileMaker Server。

如果您需要即时网络发布功能,或者通过 ODBC/JDBC 与其它的应用程序共享 FileMaker 数据,抑或需要支持更多 FileMaker Pro 用户的访问,那么 FileMaker Server Advanced 将成为您的最佳选择!

Easy installation and administration


便捷地安装 FileMaker Server。从网络上的任意一台计算机都可远程管理数据库文件,并将管理任务自动化。



Robust scalability


FileMaker Server 支持最多 250 个 FileMaker Pro 用户连接。同时大大提高了数据共享的安全性和联网性能。



Custom Web Publishing


使用 PHP 或 XML 创建基于您的数据的自定义网站。现在可处理最多 200 个并发的网络连接。



24/7 reliability and availability


您可以随时访问 FileMaker Server 上的 FileMaker Pro 数据库文件。即使数据库正在被使用,事先安排好的实时备份也会顺利地保存数据。



Industry-standard security


FileMaker Server 使用 SSL 加密协议保证数据的传输安全。您可以通过 Active Directory/Open Directory 来管理用户的访问。




FileMaker Server 12 Advanced 除了具备 FileMaker Server 12 的全部功能外,还提供了更多的关于文件共享和连接管理的选项。 结合 FileMaker Pro 与 FileMaker Server 12 Advanced , 将能发挥您数据库的最佳的共享能力(FileMaker Pro 客户端需单独购买)。 您也可在 FileMaker Server Advanced 上共享 FileMaker Go 数据库,让您在移动办公时仍可与您的团队共享最新资料。




FileMaker Server 12 Advanced 理论上可以接受无限的 FileMaker Pro 客户端连接。连接数限制仅取决于硬件、数据库设计以及操作系统。更强的安全性和网络连接性能,将使得任意规模的 FileMaker Pro 用户组也易于管理。


Administrator Groups



新! 管理组主页 一个简洁的 web 页面, 列出所有你们组可以访问的数据库。您可以把管理组主页的链接通过电子邮件发送给别人, 保存在收藏夹里, 或者添加到别的网页上。您可直接在该页面上启动 FileMaker Pro、 FileMaker Go,和即时 Web 发布, 并显示您团队的消息。


Instant Web Publishing


安全地发布您的数据库到 web ,您授权的用户可以连接到数据库浏览、编辑、排序或搜索数据。

FileMaker Server 12 Advanced 提供的即时网络发布功能支持 100 个并发的网页连接 —— 是 FileMaker Pro 支持数的 20 倍。



Open Database Connectivity & Java Database Connectivity


对 ODBC 和 JDBC 的支持可以让许多外部程序和开发工具获取及修改 FileMaker Server Advanced 上共享的 FileMaker Pro 数据库中的信息。现在支持最多 50 个 ODBC/JDBC 的并发连接。




FileMaker Server Advanced Final | 385.7 MB


FileMaker Server 12 Advanced includes sharing your data, Add fast, reliable server software to manage FileMaker Pro databases plus more sharing and connectivity options. Add FileMaker Server 12 Advanced to FileMaker Pro and maximize your database sharing capabilities. Increase performance and support hundreds of users. Or host FileMaker Go databases on FileMaker Served Advanced to share the latest information with your team while you’re on the go.
When using FileMaker Go for iPad and iPhone, connect to databases hosted on FileMaker Server for instant access to the most current information. Any changes you make to your data while you’re on the go are immediately accessible to your entire team. Connect to FileMaker Server using a local wireless network or over the Internet using Wi-Fi or 3G.

Features :

Quick Installation and Administration
Install FileMaker Server quickly. Manage your databases remotely and automate administrative tasks.

Robust Scalability
Connect up to 250 FileMaker Pro users by adding FileMaker Server. Plus get greater security and network performance.

Custom Web Publishing
Create custom, data-driven websites using PHP or XML. Get up to 100 concurrent web connections.

24/7 reliability and availability
Get anytime access to your data with 24/7 availability. Protect your data with scheduled live back-ups, which run even while your databases are in use.

Industry-standard security
Manage user access through external authentication via Active Directory/Open Directory. Use SSL encryption for secure data transfer.

FileMaker Server 12 Advanced technology does not limit the number of FileMaker Pro clients that can be networked. Technical limits are imposed by your hardware, database design, and operating system. Manage any size group of FileMaker Pro users with greater security and network performance.

Administrator Groups
Create Administrator Groups and assign specific administrative tasks while retaining exclusive control of your server and maintaining a high level of security.

NEW! The Group Start Page displays a list of all databases accessible to your team on one convenient web-based page. Email, bookmark, or add a link to the group start page on other web pages. Display messages for your team and launch FileMaker Pro, FileMaker Go, and Instant Web Publishing directly from the page.

Instant Web Publishing
Securely publish your databases to the web and users you authorize can connect to your database to view, edit, sort, or search records. Instant Web Publishing in FileMaker Server Advanced supports up to 100 concurrent web connections – 20x more than in FileMaker Pro alone.

ODBC (Open Database Connectivity) and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) support makes it possible to read from and write to FileMaker Pro databases hosted by FileMaker Server Advanced with many external programs and development tools. Get up to 50 simultaneous ODBC/JDBC remote connections.

OS : Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8

HomePage -‎ http://www.filemaker.com/


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