
Chinese.Puzzle.2013.BDRip.x264-NODLABS 中国七巧板

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1937118 如果你对奥黛丽·塔图的作品足够熟悉,应该记得她的两部法语片《西班牙公寓》与《俄罗斯玩偶》,而这部电影正是这一系列 “法国青年三部曲”的最终章。影片主角依然是那个始终怀揣作家梦的塞维尔。不过此时他却已成为了一名深陷家庭危机的中年男子。为了寻找离他而去的妻子与孩子,塞维尔只身一人来到了纽约的中国城,没想到在这里却意外遇到了当年的女友玛蒂娜,于是一段令人啼笑皆非的故事就此上演。

 Release: Chinese.Puzzle.2013.BDRip.x264-NODLABS

Size: 847M

Title: Casse-tte chinois (2013)
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance
Director: Cdric Klapisch
Cast: Romain Duris / Audrey Tautou / Ccile De France / Kelly Reilly / Sandrine Holt / Flore Bonaventura / Jochen Hgele / Benot Jacquot / Pablo Mugnier-Jacob / Margaux Mansart / Amin Djakliou / Clara Abbasi / Li Jun Li / Sharrieff Pugh / Peter McRobbie
Rating: 7.2/10 (1,099 votes)
IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1937118/

Synopsis: Xavier is now forty years old. So are Wendy, Isabelle and Martine. At forty you are supposed to be more mature and live a a steadier life than at twenty. But not Xavier. Well, to be fair, he has made some progress in the field of thoughtfulness (he has even become a writer) but as concerns his everyday life, it is far from well-ordered. To be totally honest it is not entirely Xavier’s fault if his wife Wendy has suddenly left him for a new companion in New York and taken their two children with her. Realizing he can’t stand living without them, Xavier decides to settle down in Big Apple in order to remain close to them. He finds a home in Chinatown and it does not take long before trouble comes his way.


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